Halloween Countdown

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Funny Friday

Yesterday I was browsing through the news on Yahoo and came across a grizzly headline on another child being attacked by a Pit Bull. They released the pictures as the attack unfolded. Mind you these pictures are gruesome.

Poor child is scarred for life. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday Funny

A Pilot/Father's Tough Love....

Most people today think it improper to discipline children, so I have tried other methods to control my kids when they have had one of 'those moments.'

Since I'm a pilot, one that I have found very effective is for me to just take the child for a flight during which I say nothing and give the child the opportunity to reflect on his or her behavior.

I don't know whether it's the steady vibration from the engines, or just the time away from any distractions such as TV, video games, computer, iPod, etc.

Either way, my kids usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our flight together.  I also believe that eye to eye contact during these sessions is an important element in achieving the desired results.

I've included a photo below of one of my sessions with my son, in case you would like to use the technique.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What I Do Wednesday

Great News!!

I just got back from my Ortho Doctor's office and I am in great spirits. I am scheduled for knee surgery on this coming Monday morning. Yes it's gonna happen and I am so damned relieved. Thank you all for your many prayers and emails. I really appreciate the help because Goddess knows I needed all I could get. Thank You Very Much                                                                              

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Name Is Bad Dog No No!

Lately I've noticed some strange shit people do to their pets. That's besides putting costumes on them and then taking pictures and posting em' on the web. Now we have taken to shaming them even more with signs. I have to say most of this crazy shit is funny as hell. Here are a few I found.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Yes!!!! I'm Back. The Hiatus Is Over!!

Actually I was back on Saturday and then I also posted Sunday with my usual "Funny Christian Shit". The reason why or should I say how I'm back is due to my sweet Sexy Beast husband. The man went to Wally World and bought two TV trays.for under $30.

They are adjustable and go high enough so that I can sit up in bed and have some place for "Little Hal" (my HP Mini) to sit on besides my lap. I can only take typing like that for a few minutes then pain claims my day. Since I have this little table now, I'll be on again as usual.

I have been trying to keep everyone up to date on things going on with me. On Friday, I called my Orthopedic Doctor's office to ask if they got the results of my CBC, ESR, and CRP. Yes, that's a lot of lab jargon shit but give me a minute and I'll let you in on what it all means to you that aren't medically inclined.
Image credit: wihtgod / 123RF Stock Photo

CBC is Complete Blood Count It gives us an idea of just how much blood is circulating through your veins, but it's actually broken down into the different cells in the blood. A CBC can tell doctors if there is a viral or bacterial infection in the body. It can also tell if you have cancer, kidney and or liver disease. It's very useful in fighting diseases and infections by how high the WBC White Blood Count is in your body. Mine is fine - so far, knock wood.

ESR is Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate we also call it a Sed Rate in the lab. It measures the amount of inflammation in the body at that moment. It can also tell us if there is infection, a pregnancy, or anemia when it's elevated. Mine was 55 - not good. Some labs have a normal level no higher than 5 to 8.

CRP is C Reactive Protein  It is a protein found in blood that when elevated can show inflammation, bacterial or viral infections, and arthritis. Mine was bacterial infection. We fought it with antibiotics intravenously which David had to hook up to my Port-a-Cath every evening for 8 weeks until a month ago. My latest CRP was 1.6 which is GREAT!!! It was 10 when I first was diagnosed, which was kinda high but we got it in time.

So to let you all know - I am healthy as a horse and I want so damned much to get my knee back in order that I could just scream. When I went to see the Ortho Doc on Thursday; he took x-rays of my knee to make sure I was not grinding bones and that I was a good girl and stayed in bed like I had been. He was very happy with me and asked when I wanted to do this (surgery). I said the Monday after Thanksgiving. He said great and that he would call the Immuno Doc on this case to let him know I was going to surgery if he says okey dokey on the ESR result.

So now I am waiting for the Ortho Doc's office to call and hopefully say it's really on for next Monday morning. So that is what has been brewing this past four days in my life. Yes, I am going out of my fucking mind like crazy-even just waiting for the confirmation. Then the insurance will take over and we will have to wait on that. NICE!! Insurance companys are bastids on giving an ok on time.

David is off all week looooooooooooog! Yes it's the Thanksgiving week company shutdown. You can just guess what he will be glued to and watching what on it. Yessireebob!!! You betcha! it's Jerry Springer and Maury all day every day!

Thank the Goddess I can close the bedroom door and play on "Little Hal" all day or sleep if I like. I can call David on the phone in the den/ Jerry Springer Room if I need him to get me something. The phone has a walkie talkie system that we can take outside or anywhere inside. So he has to take it out with him if he goes outside to rake leaves or something manly.

Otherwise, I am back to torture you all again my lovelies.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Just To Keep All Of You Informed...

First off, I just have to thank all of you for your prayers and wishes for good health for me. Second, I got back from the Orthopedic Doctor's office a few minutes ago; he ordered x-rays and they looked fine. The bones in my knee area aren't worn down like he feared they might be.

 So now David and I are waiting for the CRP (C Reactive Protien) and white count. If they are elevated then I have to go back on antibiotics. If they are normal then I will be going into surgery for my new knee on the Monday after Thanksgiving. YES!!! 

So I'll be on pins and needles all day until tomorrow when the doctor's office will call with the news. Thank you all again so much for the prayers. I really needed them badly.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Just a Quick Note To You All

I'm in a whole lot of pain today so here it is... I will be seeing my Ortho Doctor on this Thursday in the morning. I am hoping and praying he will say let's get this knee back together and get me into surgery next week Monday.
So please help me out there by lighting a White candle and say prayers for me. I need all the help I can get. Otherwise I will have to wait till December before they decide to operate. Thanks so much for your help my dear friends and readers.
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