Halloween Countdown

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Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Y'all I hope everyone will be safe tonight with their parties and watching out for the little ones that I call Candy Snatchers. I would have posted sooner but I was so busy this morning cleaning house for tonight's ritual. I have everything ready. Lucy has been watching me closely as if she was my familiar or my little Witchlet, making sure I get everything set up right. My white candles are all lit and have been since sunup this morning. They will stay lit all day until midnight.   
I saw something  yesterday that was quite interesting on Vickie's Facebook page. There was a little excerpt from this video. I thought my fellow Witches out there would like to see it. I found the whole video online and then looked at the YouTube link. So I'm posting it for your pleasure. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday - Monday's Ugly Sister

Well, I had this lower back Radiofrequency thingy done yesterday. I'm feeling a little better today but I still have another day to wait to see if the pain will all go away. I'm expecting a phone call this morning. The doctor's office will be calling to see if I'm feeling better. Then the Outpatient Surgical Center will be calling me to ask the same thing.

I've already gotten chewed out by David for getting the vacuum cleaner out and starting to clean house. He put everything away and said, "NO! Don't even think about it today." So I'll wait until tomorrow to see if I'm pain-free so I can get this house back into shape. It's filthy and it makes me feel bad that it's such a dirty mess. I'm going to go lay down for a while with the ice pack.

Monday, October 24, 2016

It's Monday

The last 5 days and nights have been pure murder for me. I have never been so attached to objects more in my life for pain relief as I have with my meds, heating pad and my bed. I love them both dearly but it will be breakup time in about 2 days. Yes! I hopefully will be a partially functioning human female again. Able to walk, drive, cook and clean without the evil Drug Lord Vicodin hounding my every move. Oh Yes! After this afternoon, I will be human again. Dayum!! 
For all you die-hard Cubbies fans out there like me, we got into the World Series! YES! Finally! Does that mean that we (the Cubs fans) will finally see the Billy Goat Curse broken for good? We won't know until we see the Cubs win the World Series. My bucket list has 2 items I want more than anything in the world, to live to see the Cubs win the World Series and to actually see a game.
Yes, I want to go to Wrigley Field to and watch the Cubs play. I want to sit behind home plate or even above their dugout, shit, I want to be there. When my brother came back from Chicago with a Cubs baseball hat for me, I nearly died. It's my prized possession of everything I own. I still have it and I plan to wear it while watching the WS.
Okay did anyone see the Walking Dead last night? It was the beginning of Season 7. For those who aren't like me, sorry. But last night was bad. It was so bad I may not watch the show anymore. I kind of figured that Abraham would get the bat in the head but not Glen too.
That was just too much for me. Not the blood and gore of seeing Glen's head caved in but the fact that it was Glen that died. I was so hoping that he would be around to be a daddy when Maggie gave birth. I'm guessing they wanted the wow factor so they just killed off Glen at a moments notice. That really sucked. He was a cool dude.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I'm Zoned Out-Bear With Me Y'all

I would normally play the slacker and throw something tacky for Tacky Tuesday up on my blog but today I wanted to let y'all know no matter what, this procedure that I will have on my back next Monday will make me feel 100% better. Guaranteed! I have to say thank you to all my friends out there in blogger land for sending me well wishes. Thanks y'all! You are so wonderful! Gawd I'm Blissfully Zoned on my meds right now. I really feel good.
Lucy sitting at my computer desk while I'm drawing.
She likes to watch me paint and draw her.
She's my muse per se.
Lucy has been crazy close to me lately. More than usual. I can't shake that little dog off me. She is laying so close to me at this moment she could be a second skin. David says she's worried about me because when I go to see my doctor, she feels something is going to change. Well Yeah! I'll be moving a whole lot better and I'll be able to take the puppies to the dog park more often without having to leave early in pain. It's going to be so much better.
Yesterday, on the way home David and I stopped off at a Freddy's Frozen Custard & Steakburger place and had a steak burger and fries. We never ate there before and I wanted to try it. Talk about a great burger! I was like being home and making homemade burgers on a bun. It was awesome! We also ordered the onion rings which were to die for. David wanted to try one of the tasty frozen custard treats but I said next time. Freddy's is going to be our lunchtime on-the-run place to stop for food from now on. 

Well, I have 2 loads of laundry to get to and a house to dust and vacuum. Y'all have a great magical day. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

It's Monday and it Sucks Already

Spinal Facet Injection

I'm off to the pain doctors office this morning to find out what he's going to do for his next pain relieving trick. Sometimes I wonder what the hell! I do! I wonder what the hell are they going to dream up next to solve my pain problem. Fuck, just pull my nervous system out below my belly button and be done with it. 

I just want things to go back to the way it was. Me, earning a living, working hard and feeling good about it. Not popping pain relievers all day like they were M&M's. I'm running off at the brain again. I'll let y'all know what happens when I get back from my doctor's office. Ciao.

Okay, I'm back. David and I went to see my pain doctor and I'm going to have another set of RFA shots. Yes, on next week Monday afternoon I will be getting another bilateral radiofrequency ablation (RFA). That's both facet joints on L5 on both sides of my spine will be getting zapped so to speak. The above video is exactly what I endure during the procedure. You are aware of everything going on when you are getting this done. There really is no pain except for the initial stings of the needle delivering the drugs to anesthetize the small area where the longer hollow needles will be inserted into your back. They line up those needles, using x-rays to almost touch the nerves. Then the doctor inserts the electrode needles into the hollow needles, these will be delivering the radiofrequency heat that burns the nerves so it interrupts the delivery of pain sensations to the facet areas. All I will feel is a little bit of a pressure sensation when he inserts the hollow needles into my back. I don't feel the burning from the RFA at all.

When I go to recovery, I'll have some juice and maybe some crackers while I get to where I can walk without being dizzy. Then David will take me home. At home, I will have to put ice packs on my lower back for the first 24 hours to keep the pain down for that time. I will mostly sleep too. The next day I will still have a little bit of pain but then by the third day I'm fine as frog hair split four ways. My pain is gone.

Last time I had this done, it only solved my pain problem for 8 months. The MRI showed that I had two slightly bulging discs and that the arthritis in my spine is getting worse. It has taken over the L5 and L4 portion of my spine. The pain doc said there is no cure for my spinal arthritis except having RFA'a every so often. He said I won't end up in a wheel chair anytime soon if ever. The arthritis will make the pain worse as I grow older. So that's what I'm having done next week Monday. Another RFA and I should be pretty good for 6 or so months.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tacky Tuesday

I should be in bed resting on my heating pad but I had to get up and show y'all what I saw this morning. It's payback for all those creeps stealing packages from front porches.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Time Out

Hey everybody, I'm taking some time off. I'm waiting for an appointment with my pain doctor to figure out what to do next. I have 2 herniated discs that are causing a great deal of pain. I do have a few posts - Wet Dog Wednesday, Canada Eh, and Friday funny will all be posted this week because they are on a posting schedule. I'm hoping I'll be back to normal by Monday of next week.
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