Halloween Countdown

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Monday, October 28, 2013

This Really Happened, I Kid You Not

David and I were looking for my voter registration card on Saturday. It's a mini vote that's what I call them for State and City Propositions. We never could find it. But I knew I only needed my driver's license to vote. They would most likely have me in the system IF there was a card mailed to me, which I lost.

Anywho, we went to our voting place and I walked in handed the woman my driver's license and signed my name, got my electronic vote card and went and voted. All in all it took me about 5 minutes. David and I go over the Propositions before we go vote so we know just what we are voting for. So yeah, it really did take my fluffy ass only 5 minutes.

David was still at the counter getting his electronic voter card when I left. Seems that I had to wait almost 20 minutes for him. You see, when David came out all pissed after voting, he told me he had never in his whole bloomin life ever NOT been in the system. Turns out the woman made a mistake and he was in the system.

He has his voter registration card AND his driver's license with him and there seems to be a problem. Here I am with only my lil' ol' driver's license and BAM! Not only am I in the system but I voted and was gone.

Ironic isn't it??

Monday, October 21, 2013

I'm Back!!!

I'm Back!! And YES, I'm so happy about it. I guess I could say it was a mini vacation but having an arthritic back is no picnic. Only those of you out there with this problem would know what I'm talking about.

I went to see my doctor on an emergency appointment and ended up getting shot up in the lower back to bring the pain down to a tolerable level. I do have to say that I feel better now. We had rain this Friday when I went for a follow-up and my back only felt slightly achy. At least I was able to stand for a half hour and make dinner without crying. That's how nice it was. I am still lying on a heating pad for 20 minutes every morning before I get up, and that does help a great deal. Otherwise I'm walking, standing, and sitting for longer periods of time than when I had this pain before. 

This morning was absolutely gorgeous! In the high 50's and sunny. I was sitting outside with my humongous mug of hot coffee and wearing my black sweats. The sun hitting my sweats kept me nice and warm. I sat and watched the birds teasing the neighborhood cat tribe. They're fun to watch. It's so wonderful that the weather is turning cooler now. I'm able to wear my long sleeve shirts and sweats. Also I'm able to drink my hot coffee again. I just love it!!

David walked with Lucy, our crazy Boston, this past weekend. He alternates walking with Spunky and Lucy. If he were to take both walking there would be problems. 
The Spunkinator with his burnt orange an
 cream UT @ Austin collar. Ready to go walking.

You see, Spunky likes to take the full length of the leash to extremes. He likes to walk 15 feet ahead of David. He never strays from the walking path and never goes after other animals or even people while walking at the park. He may be blind but he knows the walking path by heart. He's all business.
Lucy being her lazy ol' self.
Refusing to get out of our bed.

Lucy is the goof ball. David takes her usually on the weekends, which breaks poor Spunkinator's heart. She takes the leash out to the full length and waits for David to pass her up, all the while she's searching for cats, squirrels, and things that look interesting. BUT! She never leaves the walking path. She just likes to watch. When David is a good distance ahead of her and just before he starts to pull of the leash; she whines and hurries past him to the full length of the leash and checks out the surroundings again. David says she's good in the fact that she never jumps on people or other dogs. It's just the constant running she does that bothers him. And he wonders why she's so fucking tired every time he brings her home. GAH!!!

Peacock hair pin from
I had to trim my hair a bit this weekend because it's gotten so long. This is the longest it's been since I was a child. It goes way past my shoulders now and to me that's so cool. Now I get to put it up in my nice hair clips and stuff. I was actually on yesterday looking for pretty hair clips. Found a butt load of things to put on my Wish List for later to buy. It's easy to get sidetracked in that place.

While I was on hiatus for a week and a half. I went through some old clothes that are way too big for me. David will take them to the Thrift shop later this week when he has the time. Other than that nothing much happened during my time off.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Sorry My Friends

So sorry I haven't posted for the past few days but I've been under the weather. Yeah, the rainy weather is taking it's toll on my arthritic back. So I will be out for as long as this shit lasts, hopefully not too long.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Which Is Better, A Leaf Pile Or Puddle

October 10 : Which is better to jump in: a leaf pile or a puddle?

I had to think a bit on this one because I think both are fun to jump in. The puddle is fun especially if you have someone to splash at like a sister who has a stick so far up her bu . . . never mind.

Anywho I like both.  Water puddles are for splashing and making a mess. You can do a lot of damage with a puddle. They can be grimy and mucky with mud and that can really fuck up someone's day going to school if you splash them. If it's a cold day, then that's a big plus in the equation because the one you splash has to sit through early morning classes all wet, muddy and cold. 

Leaf piles are great for hiding in and scaring the bejesus out of someone. You can run through leaf piles and disperse them while the dog chases you or you chase the dog. Fall back on great big fluffy leaf piles or make leaf angels. There are countless things you can do with leaf piles.

Thoughts On Thursday

My husband/sexy beast/plaything, David is always asking me why I don't read and follow directions when I take something out of the can and cook it. I usually have my reasons. Well now I have the proof.

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