Shit! Mother Nature is the greatest prankster out there. She's playing all kinds of bad April Fools jokes on us today. Rain, snow, high winds, freezing temperatures. I could go on but I won't. Oh hell, why not.
Just when I thought we were going to have spring temperatures forever, fall temps hit us. We will be into the high 30's to mid 40's for the next two days. I already planted my hollyhocks, larkspurs, yarrow, petunias and all the other flower seeds. I don't want them to die. Yes! I got a whole shit load of seeds in the mail last week from one of my Seed Porn catalogs.
Swallowtail Garden Seeds has great prices and great customer service. I'm buying from them again next year.

The puppies received their second BarkBox in the mail two wee ks ago on Saturday. They were so happy when I told them they had mail. Lucy was going crazy. Spunky is totally blind but he could smell the toy because that's what he went for the minute I opened the box and set it on the floor so they could check out their goodies. Lucy went for the treat bags. She knows what they are now. I opened the bag of Soft Baked Peanut Butter Cookies and gave one each because I didn't want them ruining their dinner. Spunky was having too much fun with the Sherlock Holmes squeaky hat. They also sent them a saucer shaped treat maze toy. You put treats in the top and bottom of the toy and the dogs bat it around to get the treats out. Spunky heard me demonstrating it to Lucy and Pebbles and came over and started batting it around. Lucy got wise and stayed next to Spunky as he unknowingly hit the saucer and released a treat. She would quickly scarf the treat up before anyone was the wiser. Smart little shit. I think I'll renew for a year in September when this subscription is up. They deserve it and the BarkBox is really worth every penny.
They have great stuff for all Dead Heads at this store |
Mkay! All y'all know that I am a Walking Dead fan. I mean WE are the ultimate TWD fans, David and I live for Zombie Apocolypse shit. We even watch the reruns every year when they run them on the AMC channel before the start of the new season in October. We share emails with each other throughout the day with pictures of the ultimate weapons, shelters, or vehicles to fight the Zombies aka Walkers. I even have a Zombie Killer license plate cover on my car. Yeah, we're Dead Heads(not the Greatful Dead kind).
Well, this coming Sunday night is the last of The Walking Dead season six. It is said that it will be the most powerful season-ending yet. I thought Glen's pseudo death was bad enough. Viewers rioted and took over Twitter and Facebook with that episode. Some viewers even went on strike. Yes! They refused to watch the next episodes until they brought Glen back. You would have to watch the series in order to understand what I'm talking about.
Turn back now and don't read any further if you haven't seen up to Sunday's episode.
What I heard was that Negan pronounced Nee-gan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) will make the biggest entrance on TWD ever. Morgan has been on other TV shows and movies, most noted as
Jason Crouse on The Good Wife, Denny Duquette on Grey's Anatomy, and John Winchester on Supernatural.
is supposed to be meaner and nastier than any bad guy on TWD to date. He has a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it that he calls Lucille. I don't know for sure who will get their head bashed in but it will happen to one of the major characters. There is a reference from someone on the web that said this will happen in the last minutes of the finale and then the screen will fade to black. But that's only what I heard.
People are talking all over the web about who's head will meet up with Lucille. Some are speculating that it will be Sasha, Rosita or Abraham. Daryl, Rick or Michonne would mean an end to the series itself if they are killed off. Glen would bring the comic books (Yes, there is a comic book for TWD online) into the story line up to date and also bring on another riot from the fans. If they kill off Maggie then that would bring an end to the baby she's carrying and I don't think the director and producers of the show want to even go there because the fans would go apeshit crazy. The fans want to see the baby and they also want Glen to be there for the birth. My bet is going to be on Sasha. We will actually find out maybe in October starting on Season 7 or this Sunday. Who knows. I'm a little apprehensive in wanting to watch the finale of this season. At any rate, David is taping it on the DVR.