Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

It's Thursday, Blah . . . Blah . . . Blah . . .

You should see this. We are at a moment in time that needs to take a turn for the better. If we don't change things this November we are all doomed and I don't want to be part of that. I want a better America. We need to vote bad Republicans out. The ones that are aiding and abetting the NRA, the rich, Putin and his cronies, and the White Nationalists. If you don't vote, you are only helping them win by default. That's how we ended up with the fat screaming orange carrot demon in the White House today.
SO, register and vote them out this November.

Okay, I feel better now. All y'all can relax. I'm finished yellin and a screamin. Tuesday, I didn't post anything and I'm really sorry about that. I've been so tired lately and not sleeping and all. I think that with all my body pain and the shit happening in our country that the stuff I usually take for pain isn't working for me anymore. I'm taking two generic sleeping pills every other night just to get any good deep sleep. My pain in my back is at an all-time high and I'm doing everything I can to postpone another radioscopy procedure. It was getting to the point of having one every four months and that is just too much. So I'm holding off on that until I can't walk.
On a different note, Lucy was fired as my nurse. Yes, I had to let her go. I caught her sleeping on the job just way too many times. She was giving me the big brown eyes treatment (see picture below), so I officially gave her the job of guard dog. David said paying her in treats is much too generous so I'll just pay her under the table.
Lucy, giving me the big brown eyes while I write.

In case you're wondering, yes, that is a blanket on the sofa. I keep it there to protect the cushions from dog hair This picture was taken from my left shoulder in the living room. I was telling her a story. She seems to like the sound of my voice because she almost fell asleep with her head on my elbow. I know, I'm a boring woman. Currently, she is sleeping after a long morning of guarding me while I was outside watering the courtyard plants. The poor thing. She works so hard. 

Well, I'm going to try my luck and get some zzz's. I doubt I'll fall asleep at all but at least I'll try.


The JR said...

Lucy has a beautiful sweet face. I'm sorry you are in constant pain. Pain turns my mild manner hubby into a snarling wife eating bear. He starts pushing all the wrong buttons when he is in pain too. After he makes me lose it, with my head spinning uncontrollably round and round on my shoulders. I've spewed green pea soup and screamed till I make myself hoarse.......then he regrets being such a A$$-hat

Sending you healing thoughts.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sorry to hear you're in such pain. Lucy is just so adorable, isn't she!

Sooo-this-is-me said...

I generally keep my nose out of other country's politics but when they start to effect our way of life here, then my nose is in. Yes please do whatever is necessary to get rid of that stupid thing that took control of your Whitehouse! I read that article you highlighted, very interesting. I also heard something similar a month ago about a leader who will put the blame for everything on certain minorities, many of the really cruel dictators used that same trick.

Also, with that sweet little grey doggy face, I don't think you should fire her, I think you should retire her!

Ol'Buzzard said...

We don't need to get rid of 'bad Republicans.' They are all Trump enablers and support the party line of cutting social programs to give tax cuts to the rich.
they all need to go.
the Ol'Buzzard

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i can hardly even watch the news anymore. which is exactly what the asshole and his putin are hoping we all do. they want us to just give up.

yellowdoggranny said...

chin up tits out..hope you are better and out of pain soon...

Magic Love Crow said...

Voting is very important! You are right!
I'm sorry for all the pain you are in!
Give Lucy a hug from me! Big Hugs!

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