Halloween Countdown

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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Religion in a Nutshell


anne marie in philly said...

or god could just fart...
is it wrong of me to have read this in a beavis & butthead voice?

Zomby Woof said...

God farts are extinction events? Good to know.

Leanna said...

heh heh
heh heh heh heh heh
heh heh heh

Leanna said...

God thought he farted and had a blasting shit instead. That would explain really sooooooo much of why we have large planet killing comets roaming the galaxy.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

OMG, those poor unicorns . . . . what a terrible way to go. You know I am stealing this, of course.

Zomby Woof said...

God shart

Ol'Buzzard said...

these figures should all be black and female. If there was a god that created humans it would have to be female, and of course Adam and Eve would be black and Eden would be in Africa.
the Ol'Buzzard

Leanna said...

Okay! First off, NO! Don't you DARE blame this big mistake on a Female God. This is all on him. I really don't care if god was black or not but if HE was, his wife would have finally stepped in and said, ,"baby you need to make Adam some bitch to order him around and shit." Then she promptly told him to go outside and clean the yard of all those asteroids before they extinct a species or something.

Magic Love Crow said...

You always make me laugh! LOL!

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