Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year's Eve Everyone

You know it's been a bad year when the universe is giving 2020 the finger.  For those of you who want to know, yes, this is real. It's not photoshopped. This is a Bok Globule. It is a dark nebulae cloud of dense cosmic dust and gas from which stars form.

(NASA, ESA, N. Smith/UC Berkeley, and The Hubble Heritage Team/STScI/AURA
source: NASA, ESA, N. Smith/UC Berkeley, and The Hubble Heritage Team/STScI/AURA

Hello, my dear readers and friends. I hope this new year will make things better but we all know that won't be the case. I'm fine. I just took the two weeks off because the cold and bad weather was taking their toll on me. It's raining now and will continue to storm all day long. The rain makes me energetic but I still feel the pain. I need to do so much before the year ends. 

Poor Lucy is walking around upset because of the rain and thunder. She hates both. Right now she's sitting with David in the TV room. She knows he will protect her so she sleeps under his chair while he Skypes with friends in Canada and the UK. Lucy just sauntered into the living room looking for me - and there she goes. We just had a tiny rumble of thunder so she ran for David. Poor babygirl. She wants to be with mommy but daddy is her protection. She will be doing this all day, I'm afraid.

Well, I have a house to tidy up here and there so all y'all have a fun time if you can tonight. Stay safe, wear a mask, and have a magical day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm hoping that 2021 is better in the long run! Happy New Year to you, David and Lucy!

JFM said...

Absolutely agree with that photo...crazy world.
Enjoy the rain.
I love rainy days...poor Kitty.

Happy 2021...One can only hope πŸŽ‰πŸΈπŸΊ

Rae said...

Sorry that you have been struggling with your health again and your poor little dog - what a little sweetie. Hope the thunder stops for her. Do want to wish you a happier, healthier and safer New Year. Ranee (MN)

anne marie in philly said...

2020 sucked MAJOR ASS! HNY to you and david and lucy.

spouse and cats and I are staying in. we have plenty to eat and drink. we are covid-free and wish to remain so. we want for nothing.

Laura said...

happy new year!
love, kisses & magical wishes...

yellowdoggranny said...

even the universe is giving us the finger. Hope you are feeling better. It's rainy and cold here and I have one of those electric throws and I just sit in my recliner with tea in one hand remote in the other and stay toasty warm under my electric throw..
happy new year my friend.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

happy new year but we all know it wasn't 2020 that was was who was in charge during 2020. i'm afraid that it will take some time to sort it all out but at least there is hope on the horizon.

River said...

You know something is up when even the universe gives us the finger.
Happy New Year and let's hope for more peace and less covid.

Mike said...


pam nash said...

A good way to say goodbye to 2020. And, hopefully 2021 will be better. Take care and don't forget your Black-eyed peas!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Our cats don't enjoy holidays with fire works, and as we have aged we enjoy them less.
the Ol'Buzzard

Magic Love Crow said...

That is funny about the finger in the clouds!
Big Hugs to you, David and Lucy!!!

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