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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Beware, It's a Rant - Texas Government Sucks the Big One

 Ahhhhhh Texas, home of the motto "Pass the Buck". Everyone is screaming at the Texas government for poorly handling the power situation while Gov. Greg Imbicile Abbott is laying blame on the New Green New Deal that has never been really implemented. You got it, he actually said it was the fault of TGND for the Texas outages. Really? You dick wad sorry ass excuse for a man! Sorry people. But it's true. He actually said it was the fault of the wind turbines. Stupid . . . so and so.
Well, the people of Texas are having to function on our own out here, with very few shelters for those without power or water. Those who have no power, water, cell phone, wifi, etc, are having trouble like in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. San Antonio has issued a boil water notice. I don't know about the other cities or smaller towns. There are long lines wrapping around outside of every HEB and Walmart Super Center.  People can only buy two of an item. It's bad.
Anywho, we finally had a melt yesterday which dried up the roads but there are no trucks to bring in much-needed food, water, propane, and other necessities for the people of Texas. They are stuck or had accidents. With no power, people are dying because they can't run their oxygen tanks and other much-needed equipment. Dialysis centers are all shut down because no electricity and workers can't get to work because most small towns have no sand trucks or snowplows. And the worst of it is that it is snowing . . . again . . . at this very moment.

A few minutes ago, more snow until 10pm.
We are expecting about 6 inches.

David and I are fine. we really never lost power and the pipes are fine, knock wood. The power outage affected everyone without solar panels. That is one thing we invested in and it paid off. We are okay because somehow when I heard last week that we were going to be having snow and below freezing temps that we stocked up on meat, canned goods, flour sugar, eggs, and milk. We have shared with neighbors that are in need of food. So things aren't too bad for some of us. 

This will blow over and people will forget as we often do. When it comes time to remember that the Texas governor, senators, and representatives up in Austin passed the buck during the snow freeze of '21, people will not vote them out next year. When the time comes the people of Texas will have forgotten and just vote republican as all gnat brains always do and everyone will watch as the world passes the cave dwellers of the backward state of Texas by.


jaime said...

Thankfully, however, Ted Cruz is toasty warm in Cancun! What a bloody hypocrite.

Every politician and corporate honcho that supported not winterizing power plants, denied climate change and laughed at alternate sources of power should be forced to live in the same conditions as their constituents suffering the absolute worst of these storms. Perhaps a large dose of reality, a little frostbite and gnawing hunger would open their eyes and hearts ... but probably not.

JustGail said...

I hope once this storm moves on, a quick warmup is on the way. Though I know for many it will be a long slog of a recover battling with insurance companies and swamped contractors to get repairs from frozen pipes done. Still, at least they didn't burn their house down, freeze to death, get asphyxiated, or meet their demise some other way due to no power.

If they could hold the California power company liable for the fires the last couple of years, they certainly could hold the Texas companies liable. Not that it helps this time round. And we know there will be more in the future. I suspect you're right though - by next election people will forget or refuse to even consider a change in voting thoughts, and be back to what they usually do.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i would hope that texans would at least wake up to ted cruz!

River said...

All these ice and snow problems happen year after year, yet no one in government, any government, ever does anything towards fixing them. Every winter you all have outages and shortages and drafty houses. Where are the regulations to ensure people at least have better constructed homes and enough food in case of being snowbound? Take a leaf from the doomsday preppers and stock up a three month supply of staples before any snow falls?
I'm happy to hear you shared with neighbours.

anne marie in philly said...

TED CRUZ IS AN ASSHOLE, AS ARE YOUR STATE GUVMINT "LEADERS". happy to hear your family is safe. I have friends in houston and dallas that are not as lucky.

Infidel753 said...

Thanks for the report from ground zero. People will forget about this, but it will be them job of the Texas Democratic party to remind them when the time comes. And they need to be pushing back right now against Abbott's distortions.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This is why utilities should always be publicly owned and operated, not privately. The profit motive practically guarantees cutting corners and poor infrastructure maintenance in order to make a bigger buck.

And in my opinion, the same principle should apply to heathcare, pharmaceuticals, nursing homes, education, vehicle insurance, etc.

Anonymous said...

I have chills and fever for two days now. I don't have a thyroid gland so cannot tolerate heat and cold. I live in Houston, Harris County. Everything you said is true. Texans are embarrassing to other Texans. Our governor needs someone to wipe his . . . Sorry! I ranted in another blogger's comment section and am ashamed. Today I cried. I cried for the family that burned charcoal inside their apartment. They were trying to be warm. I cried for the thirty people who died. I cried for Ted Cruz who has no heart and seems to take pride in not having one. I pray for all the fools who keep voting for people who hate them.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. We had no power for almost three days after major flooding after a hurricane not so long ago. One would think the leaders learned their lesson then. The only thing different this time around? It was freezing instead of sweltering. We, the people, deserve the politicians we get. lord help us.

Bohemian said...

I'm glad your Family is safe and that your Solar is creating the crucial energy you couldn't otherwise get since your State didn't want regulation and thus opted out of being on the National Grid. I recall when Texas said they wanted to secede from the Nation and how poorly thought out and uneducated that concept was for any State to even remotely consider! I have no Words actually for the level of suffering going on in your State, it's horrific, it's 3rd World... it's the fault of very poor Leadership voted in.

Teacats said...

After the major winter storm in 2011 here in Texas -- a report recommended that the power companies (coal, nuclear, natural gas (NG)) winterize their systems, pipelines and controls.

Of course nobody did that. Because that costs money and corporate bonuses are more important.

Texas sells its natural gas (Jerry Jones made millions this week as the prices rose) and Gov. Abbott finally told the NG companies to stop selling it this week so that Texas would have enough for our plants to run during the cold.

So -- between supplies (NG) and lack of winterizing and planning for supply chains for retail and hospital and medial supplies -- this Winter Storm(s) Season has been a shitshow.

Windmills account for about 10-15% (depending on the season) and were not winterized. Even Sweden recently told Texas that carbon coating on the blades would help. Even windmills work in Antarctica!!

Plus again -- roads are not priority except some major ones. Snowplows cost money. Sigh.

As for construction regulations -- there are very very few. Because Texas corporations make sure of that -- because of profits. Again -- Money.

People are slowly doing renovations to older properties with insulation, doors and windows, solar and other upgrades.

Also -- another truth is that the water pipes are not buried very far into the shifting clay soil and should have been upgraded many years ago.

And frankly, the coporations and the government will bury this whole shitshow
with years of "studies" that will cost money -- and again -- nothing will change. Except that water bills will skyrocket, the cost of natural gas and car gas will skyrocket, costs of Texas fruit and veggies (destroyed by the cold) will skyrocket!

Which is exactly what the billionaires want -- so we need to follow the money!

As for voting -- we tried to elect Beto but again -- the government swung into action to raise the spectres of Fake Socialism, Gun Regs, Abortion -- well -- all of the usual suspects.

Dave R said...

Solar Panels? Are you telling me progressive thinking came to the rescue?

Magic Love Crow said...

Good for you with the solar panels! Big Hugs!

WBomb said...

Ted was down in Cancun fundraising for the"blame the children" foundation.

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm still pissed at our city for not having a generator for the senior center so we could truly help people that needed it.

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