[Possible duplication of comment due to error message] 🤣 It's fun and snarky! And it sets up a philosophical discussion Hubby and I could continue all day...if the basis of religion is imaginary, isn't any damage to it also imaginary? If a scientific truth falls on you in the forest and you don't believe in science, were you damaged by the truth? If you created your religion 2K years ago and put it in a box, on what day did Schrödinger’s cat scratch its face? 🤪🤓🥵
People sought to make sense of a world they did not understand and created stories we call myths. Their myths were catalogued and canonized by elites known as priests or what ever to control the masses. Believing means you dont have to think. Believing Trump means you dont have to think.
Good point.
[Possible duplication of comment due to error message]
🤣 It's fun and snarky! And it sets up a philosophical discussion Hubby and I could continue all day...if the basis of religion is imaginary, isn't any damage to it also imaginary? If a scientific truth falls on you in the forest and you don't believe in science, were you damaged by the truth? If you created your religion 2K years ago and put it in a box, on what day did Schrödinger’s cat scratch its face? 🤪🤓🥵
the Ol'Buzzard
People sought to make sense of a world they did not understand and created stories we call myths. Their myths were catalogued and canonized by elites known as priests or what ever to control the masses. Believing means you dont have to think. Believing Trump means you dont have to think.
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