Sunday, February 16, 2025

Religion in a Nutshell



Debra She Who Seeks said...

The opium of the people!

Leanna said...

Exactly! I couldn't put it better.

Cleora Borealis said...

🤣👏 Carlin was brilliant on religion! Because he took what religion says about itself, announced it, and waited for people to see how ridiculous it sounded. "There's an invisible guy in the sky who watches what you do 24/7. He's got a list of don'ts and if you do any of them, you will suffer in a lake of fire forever...because he loves you!" 🤪 Carlin didn't have to make it up. The jokes write theselves!

Rade said...

Personally, having grown up in a Serbian Orthodox household, I take no issue with people who find whatever comfort in religion (Personally, I consider myself agnostic). Good for them. I have known a lot of people who were actual, "Good Christians"; the first kind lead by the better examples of whatever morals they were taught. Never drawing attention to themselves, but just do things out of kindness for the next person. I also have met "Good Christians" (many of whom are close relatives to me) who wear the fucking cross on top of every shirt and carry a bible with them everywhere, though from how they behave, have never really, like, read it. I can ignore them. It's the THIRD "Good Christian" that I just absolutely detest. These are the ones who have immigrated to the United States to escape something horrific. They set up in the neighborhood, become American citizens, plaster "GOD is LOVE" garbage all over their homes, then vote for Trump because "Women have no right to choose and ABOLISH legal, gay marriage!". THOSE fuckers need to be taken out and... well... let me stop there. I want to ask them, "If you claim Jesus loves me so much, why did you vote for Trump?"

angela said...

How true and so so sad.

Laura said...

hahaha! :-)

Linda said...

I was a 'good Christian' until I married a minister. That cured me and I divorced him.

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