Thursday, January 6, 2011

Can You Get Your Game On For This???

I was reading the comments from yesterdays post about my weight dilemma. Mmkay, so if you girls wanna do this,  then lets do it. we will need to get a weight loss counter on each blog to show how much weight we are each losing.

Screw this! Lets make it interesting. We will all go into our doctor's offices sometime within the next two weeks and get officially weighed in. Have to make it official now and get it in writing with doctor's signiture, then post it on your blogs side bar where your weight loss counter will be along with how much you want to lose.

On December 1st we will all get officially weighed in again to see the official weight loss for each of us and post the final numbers on our blogs. Now we have to make a commitment to this cause the interesting part comes next.

Anyone who loses the most by Dec 1st,  gets a $100 gift certificate from me. But, here's the kicker, you have to lose at least 75 to 100+ lbs. from the time you post the doctor's signed weigh in until Dec 1st when you will post the last weigh in with your doctor's signature. That makes it an official thingy.  I won't be eligible to win but I will still participate. I was able to lose 80 lbs. in 6 months 8 years ago and I WILL do it again. I need to cause I want to get back into my jeans. They look so lonely hanging in my closet.

So ...  how brave are you, any takers?


Anonymous said...

Too much pressure for me girlie. Once you read those books you ordered you'll see what I'm talkin about ; )

Lydia said...

Can I count the 50 pounds I lost after having my last anklebiter? Yes - ?
I still need to lose a good 20. The problem is every time I sit down to write out a weight loss plan, it's with a cookie and a glass of wine :-/

Leanna said...

Mmkay, so I'll just lose the weight myself. I need to do it for health reasons. The weightloss contest of off.

The Traveler said...

I will definitely be in so long as we can skip the doctor part. I have a tiny little phobia about that. But I will do a digital scale at a GMC or something with a print out, would that count? Cause I can tell you that 8-9 books are definitely incentive for me to bust my ass (yes I have already mentally broken it up into purchases, lol, just shows how effective that particular carrot is with me).

Arianna said...

I would love to...I just don't have a doctor to go to in order to do an official weigh in. I was trying to find a widget last night to put on my blog but can't seem to locate one that actually works. Very irritating. If you find one would you let me know?? Thanks!

C said...

I would love to join you too but dont think i can do the doc bit either (not too good with docs lol) but i have digital scales here and a willing hubby to weigh me in ;0 im not after a prize it would just be nice to have some moral support ;) im going off in search of a count down thingy now, im fired up and ready to go x x

Katy Cameron said...

Ooh, good luck everyone. As I'm 155 lbs and 5'7", I think I'll skip the contest in case I disappear, but will be happy if I can lose about 10 lbs :o)

Anonymous said...

I've been reading you for a bit, but this is my first comment; I'd love to participate, but I also do not want to lose that much (my man likes some meat on his woman)...I want to at least lose 50 lbs, though. I'm also anti-doctor (am unemployed), but I took a picture of my digital scale just now (and freaked!). I can do that weekly and post it on my blog. Would that count?

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