Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Late Post

Last night was bad. We have been having thunderstorms all day yesterday and that meant Lucy was on me shaking. She hates thunder and fireworks. I was able to calm her down when I sang to her. But last night was bad. We usually just have one storm and then it's gone but this time the storm stream was right over us. Storm after storm developed and went. Lucy was going crazy. I was tired and grumpy from a bad cold I was fighting and I took it out on her. I made her leave the bedroom. As far as David told me this morning, she slept in the hallway outside our bedroom door all night.
Poor baby. I felt so bad this morning so I called her into the bedroom to sleep with me when David got up at fucking too early o'clock. She refused, so I went and got her to let her know I was sorry for kicking her out. She slept with me up until almost 11:30. She is sleeping again beside me on the couch as I'm blogging and skimming the web. I think she forgave me because we shared a bacon and egg brunch.
David is celebrating 46 years with Hexcel. He gets to pick his gifts so he picked an Apple Ipad, JBL Bluetooth headphones, and a freezable koozie for soda. I wanted the JBL headphones and he got the Ipad. Which is cool because I like listening to my music while I'm walking around the house and this is a wireless headphone. So cool. I can also shut David out when he bothers me during his vacation. 
Well, I have some laundry to get to so y'all play nice and have a magical day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, 46 years with the same company -- impressive and rare these days! Congrats to David! Nice swag too.

anne marie in philly said...

46 YEARS??????? DAMN! THAT is an accomplishment!

I don't like the looks of that first pix; looks like a dangerous storm.

Birdie said...

Nobody stays that long with a company these days. Damn rights he deserves an iPad!

Poor Lucy. Give her a pat for me.

Harry Hamid said...

Astro the Cat was all kinds of freaked out last night, as the lightning and thunder settled right over us and as much as he wanted to huddle near me, my bed was too close to the open window, so he kept running up and down the stairs, trying to decide what to do.

This morning, I woke up to discover Houston got a few inches of rain last night and managed not to flood, which is good...

Jono said...

I feel terrible if I even raise my voice to one of my animals so I always make it up to all of them afterwards.

Magic Love Crow said...

46 years, that is amazing! Congrats! Nice gifts too!
Poor Lucy! Give her a hug from me!
Big Hugs!

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