Halloween Countdown

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Monday, July 1, 2019

Weekend Rain Storm

It's been a quiet weekend. David is in Hogwarts heaven. Harry Potter movies have been on TV all weekend and he was happy and quiet. That means peace and quiet for me. Sounds like he's a child and I'm the mom, doesn't it? Anywho, I was up most of the night on Saturday night into Sunday morning because of a thunderstorm that traveled all the way from the upper east side above Dallas, down to our area in less than 90 minutes. The strange thing is I had a feeling something was very wrong. Lucy didn't wake me up at all. I had gotten up about 11:30 Saturday night and had a very bad feeling all night. So I grabbed a Pepsi One and went to the living room and fired up my laptop. I went to Weather Underground and looked at the Texas radar and there it was. The biggest blob of green and yellow rainmaker/thunderstorm just sitting in the upper right part of Texas right over Dallas. It was huge! I set up a small window on the upper left of my laptop screen to keep watch on this monster. I checked the news and answered a few emails and by 12-midnight it started to move and a yellow line was forming on the bottom left rim of the green formation. It was moving fast. I slammed into Austin in less than 10 minutes and 20 minutes later it hit us and it stayed on top of our area for hours. I went to get Lucy so she wouldn't wake up David. She spent the whole next 3 hours attached to my feet while it rained and thundered. Around 4 am I was too tired to stay up anymore and Lucy felt the same way. So, even though there were a few stray thunder boomers she and I fell asleep and David woke up. Yeah, he wakes up at 4 - 4:30 am every day regardless if it's the weekend or if he's off on vacation. I told him that the storm is still going on and he had no idea there had been a thunderstorm. Heavy sleeper.
Anywho, when I finally got up at 8 in the morning it was still raining lightly and the storm was still overhead at 1pm Sunday. It refused to budge. So we had rain off and on most of Sunday and Lucy spent the day with me in bed. It was that kinda day for me.
Today it is supposed to rain again. David went out and cut the grass early. Better to do that shit now while it's still nice and cool out than do it in the evening. He came in and is now binge watching Curfew. It's a series about a bunch of people racing to get somewhere where there is no curfew and no worry of the mutants attacking at night. I find it hard to believe that the end of the series will end well. Something sounds wrong. I'm wondering if the race will end with the winning contestant being used as laboratory fodder. That's my take on it.
Well, I have shit to take care of. Y'all have a magical day.


ellen abbott said...

we got a very light rain for a short while yesterday. that's all that reached us. my little backyard (fenced) where the mower can't get through the gate needed to be trimmed back the first week of June. all this medical stuff kept me preoccupied and a week in the hospital and the dog won't even go out there the weeds are so high. don't really have grass out there anymore after some bug invaded the yard a couple of years ago and sine we don't use poison... doesn't matter, cut weeds look like cut grass.

pam nash said...

Wow - big rain. Skipped right over us. We got a few little drizzly drops but not much. Wouldn't mind a good rain or two (dry here now) but am afraid to say it out loud for fear the child in control of the rain hose will turn it on full force!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's a rainy Canada Day weekend here too, worse luck.

The JR said...

The hubby was feeling bad last week and by Friday he had passed his stinking cooties over to me. I was really sick on Saturday and Sunday. I told Ronny, I think I have coughed up half my body weight in gross stuff.

We went to the doctor yesterday and are now feeling a lot better. Still having coughing fits, but not like it was the past few days.

Take care,

Magic Love Crow said...

We had a rainy spring, but so far, summer has been hot and dry! Take care! Big Hugs!

yellowdoggranny said...

rain..heat..rain...heat..rain rain rain..more heat..

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