Before I get into my Bp scare from last week, I would like to take a minute to tell of sad news in our blogging community. Jackiesue aka Yellowdog Granny passed away recently. I was told by Debra of She Who Seeks in an email Sunday that Jackiesue entered hospice and passed away shortly after. Jackiesue will be greatly missed. She was a feisty sarcastic but well loved woman. Debra will be paying tribute to her on her blog today so please take the time if you knew Jackiesue to venture over to Debra's blog.
Well, I have gotten my Bp under slight control at least it's hovering around 138/94 for now. I'm still wondering why it shot up so high when I was having my vitals taken during my appointment. It was 184/119 on Monday when I went for my usual four month follow up. Everything else was normal except that. My doctor said he wanted me to keep a Bp log for the next 2 weeks. If it goes above 140/90 to call him. It was still high on Thursday 156/121. For the life of me I can't seem to understand why this is happening. Maybe it's the Orange Fat Felon and his pretender christian maga hoard infesting the White House and the Government. Who knows.
Anywho, I called my doctor and he said maybe it's time to up dose my meds a touch. So instead of half a dose it's a whole pill now. I took my Bp Friday 2 hours after taking my meds and it was down to 148/92. Saturday it was 138/98 and today was 138/94. I'm feeling better but it got really scary. I did notice I was having a really bad migraine for the past three weeks and they have nearly disappeared now, which is a good thing. I also noticed the loud ringing in my ears is down to a mild hum. I was thinking I'm going to stroke out real soon. So yeah, my meds are working. Although I would feel better with a lower Bp like I used to have back in September last year which was 118/73. My doctor said it's probably stress (Yeah, ya think?) or it could be my age. He said I turned 70, last September, shit happens. I'm getting old, fuck. But this wasn't part of the deal . . .
Oh my! I was just thinking of Jackiesue! Thank you for sharing the news.
We will all miss Yellowdog Granny. She was a part of our daily life for so many years.
I hate the way doctors sluff off the illnesses of older people. The attitude seems to be we are past our sell-by date.
A little advice from someone much older: Fuck Donald Trump. Back off the news because the constant day-by-day chaos Trump causes can only create stress in our lives. Try meditation. Plant a garden, take a course, an activity in your life that is enjoyable, and ignore politics for a while.
Cutting off the news and ignoring the Donald Trump show is like trying to stop smoking. It is not easy but the positive benefit to our health is worth the effort.
One last thing: don't focus so much on you BP readings, because that can also cause stress.
Take care, you are part of our blog family
the Ol'Buzzard
Take care
Jackiesue is going to be missed, no doubt about that. She was one of a kind.
Glad your doctor increased your BP medication and I hope it brings things down to your normal range again soon. Hang in there, my friend!
shit starts hitting the fan in the 70s
🥹 I saw the news on Debra's blog and it hurts. Jackiesue signed off in November and I guessed this was coming, but dammit, I hoped that she would be there with one more Monday meme dump taking aim at the shitty politicians or, even better, letting us know what mischief she and the gg's had gotten into over the weekend! 💔
I turned 70 a coupla weeks ago and mostly I love my age. But, why can't my stoopid body enjoy the ride?! Take care and do your very best for yourself...I like you a lot even if your body doesn't! 🥰
When my heart doctor put me on BP meds my BP dropped to 90/50. Whoops. He took me off of them and just said to watch my BP. It bounces around from the 130s to 100s and the 90s to the 70s. One day is not like the next.
Sorry to hear about GrannySue, I used to enjoy her blog.
I read about jackiesue on she who seeks blog it sounds like she was a beautiful soul fighting the good fight.
Your bp might be caused by snoring. Hubby snored really badly and he would frequently stop breathing. They did a sleep apnea test and put him on a CPAP machine and his blood pressure went way down. So much he was taken off his meds. That was eight years ago and his blood pressure has been perfect since. It might be something you can talk to your doctor about
There were so lovely Tributes to Yellow Dog Granny and she will be missed in the Land of Blog and I'm sure in Real Life too. Nobody dropped F-Bombs so wonderfully. Glad you're getting your BP under Control, I had a Stroke just before Christmas, just like that, no lead up to it... I think the Infestation of the Regime could be causing a lot of internal stressors we don't always seem to outwardly show, but internalize nonetheless due to the rapid onslaught of Fuckery and concerns of how much worse they can and will make things! We have to find Peace and Center ourselves as best we can during all the external Turmoil and vile rhetoric/actions/Fascism Fantasies that they are manifesting into a Reality unabated. Please don't Stroke Out, a Stroke ain't no Fun GF. I can't afford to lose any more Brain Cells. *Smiles*
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