Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, December 26, 2019

So Far This Week

Hello, my friends. It's Thursday the day after Christmas or as I like to call it, the day to return all the things you don't want to keep and get cash for after Christmas sales.
Anywho, I'm taking the day slow because well, y'all know how Lupus is with me when I overdo shit. Would you believe that even my fingers hurt? I put Aspercreme on anything that hurt and it's starting to subside the pain, well some of it anyway. I don't have anything that is all-important to do for the next few days that I know of. 
seed porn
Yesterday was the most fun I have ever had in years. David and I went outside and cleaned up the yard of any branches that fell the night before. Pecan trees tend to lose their branches all willy nilly. We picked up some pecans and sat outside on the front porch and cracked them open with a small hammer because the pecan cracker broke on us after the third nut. We talked and joked and made plans for the following week and talked about maybe buying the materials to build my greenhouse. I showed him the plans for it but I think it was the seed porn that I got in the mail on Monday that got him buzzing. 
After that, we went inside and watched some Witcher on Netflix while I got started on dinner. I made a feast from the leftover ham from Thanksgiving that I froze. I also defrosted and made green beans with slices of tiny button mushrooms and fried bacon. David hates sweet potato so I made him regular mashed potatoes and turkey gravy that was frozen from Thanksgiving. I baked a sweet potato for myself then peeled off the skin and sliced it and then sliced up a bit of unsalted butter and put the tiny bits over the sweet potato to melt. It tasted like heaven. Then I also served my homemade cranberries that I made months ago and put in freezer bags. Oh sooooo good. I still have four more bags left in the freezer. David loved the cranberries the most, he said they had a bit of an orange tang. I told him I put orange zest and two tablespoons of juice from the orange when I cooked them. I put a couple of heavy pinches of unflavored Jello ager to make it all come together slightly. David said he married up when he divorced his first wife and then married me. He was so happy when he found out I could cook. 
After dinner, he helped me clean up and then we watched The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society on Netflix. It was really good for a love story. I can't believe that David liked it. Personally, I think he has a thing for Lily James. She is so pretty.
Well, I'm going to go lay down for a bit with my heating pads. The pain is getting worse. All y'all have a magical day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, it does sound like an idyllic day! Love, great food and Netflix! We enjoyed that Guernsey movie too when we watched it. I always meant to read the book but never got around to it, so now I can take it off my "to read" list!

The JR said...

I went to my niece's play and one of my sister's friends was there. She really went on and on about China Gel. I'm gonna look it up. She had back surgery where then went in thru her throat to fuse her vertebrae. YUK! That sounds painful.

Anyway she said some friends told her about it and she uses it every day now.

I hope you get to feeling better.

pam nash said...

I also suffer with "seed porn". My brain always says "oooooo - I need that and that and that" but thankfully my "in charge" brain has me march right over to the trash can!

Lovely day you had.

ellen abbott said...

sounds like a perfect day

anne marie in philly said...

a lovely holiday. and you haven't killed david yet. LOVE the first 2 pix!

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