Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Questions About my Book of Shadows Previously Posted Are Answered Here

Some of you have been asking about my Book of Shadows. I bought it through Brahms Bookworks. Brahms and Robin are both amazing. They make the books by hand and fill it with empty pages of the finest quality parchment paper from France. The books are covered in real leather and you can choose the color you wish and what book you want. Mine was the Triquetra Grimoir with the lock and 2 keys as it is pictured above. It is the coolest looking book ever!!!  I have filled it with pages of my other BOS and done a lot of writing in mine as well. Most of my stuff is from my computer and then printed on their paper and I have painted in the art work myself. Brahms also has ideas on making your book pages looking old and worn to give it that handed down from witch to witch look. It took only a month for it to be made and shipped for mine but now it takes almost 3 months because of all the orders.  If you want to make a great Book of Shadows and you have the serious cash for it then go to their site and check it out. I highly recommend it. There are a few knock offs out there and they sell them for almost the same price but nowhere near the best quality as Brahms. I will be ordering a smaller book soon for my recipes for my kitchen cook book. I'm not sure what cover piece I want on it yet. Oh if you ever want any extra pages for the book,  Robin offers them.




K(Banterings of a Basketcase) said...

beautiful!- your page finally showed up on my sidebar!

Leanna said...


Anonymous said...

These are honestly so amazing. I need to save my pennies!

Leanna said...

Let me tell you I was very satisfied with the quality of the book. You can do anything with them. One buyer turned his book into a copy of Bram Stoker's Dracula, with pictures and everything. he did it all from his computer. It was breath taking.

Educ8r said...

How can you add or remove pages? It is a gorgeous book!

Leanna said...

Copperwood, I got the book from Brahms at
There are screws in the back of the book that hold the pages in a rod. Brahms might have changed his books but this one I have was for close to $500.00. They are hand made and take a few months before you can get them. The pages are blank, you put whatever you want on the pages. I put my spells and the spells I bought from Nyx. She has a blog and sells all kinds of cool stuff. That she makes on he own.

Unknown said...

I don't know if anyone will see this but I order almost the same book as above except it was black several years ago and I love it but I can't find the website anywhere. Does anyone know if they are closed? I want to see if I can order some more paper.

Anonymous said...

I too appreciate the magnificent look of the Brahms Bookwork books but must take issue with the comment about ‘knockoffs’ being inferior quality.
I bought a Brahms book in 2007. It arrived with a broken corner piece and I was immensely disappointed to see from the inside of the broken edge that it was NOT metal, but some sort of resin (?) with a slightly magnetic coating of something. Then the aluminum posts bent from the weight of the pages and it became almost impossible to use them.
I spent time studying the construction of the piece, did a LOT of hunting and research to find supplies, made some proprietary changes and improvements and started making books for my family and close friends as gifts.
My finished product was equally as impressive as the Brahms piece and the quality was better.
I put one on eBay and was contacted immediately and threatened with a copyright lawsuit if I didn’t take the listing down. I pointed out that there was no original idea in their work as books and albums from centuries ago used hinged covers and corner embellishments as well as removable pages and therefore they had no copyright rights. I was also told there was a patent pending (copyrights and patents are two different things) and I said I would take the listing down as soon as I received verifiable patent information. Never heard from them again. I did read on the US Patent site that people who have no patent and falsely claim so can be fined.
In the end I cancelled the eBay listing after a while. It was far from cheap to make the book and regardless of the quality without a known name and reputation I could not sell for enough to pay my costs let alone make any money.
I haven’t made any books for more than 5 years, but I enjoyed it immensely and now that I am retired - as is Brahms, apparently - I am considering bookmaking again.

Leanna said...

- Anonymous - I know where you are coming from. It seems that these so-called knockoffs are 100% better than the $600-$800 books like Brahms makes. I'm sorry you couldn't make it in that business. I would have liked to have seen what you had to offer.
I turned my book into a cookbook and it's starting to look like something you might find in a museum.

Anonymous said...

Please do! I’d love to discuss a commissioned book…

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