Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Extra Note on Lucy

We just got back from the vet's with Lucy. She's quite groggy. She still has the IV bandage on her left leg and she's moving really slow. I think it's mostly from the pain killers she is on at the moment. We have to give her another pain killer and antibiotics one hour from now which will be at 6pm. By then I'll remove the IV bandage. 
She will have to sleep in the TV room tonight because it won't be so cold for her in there and her bed will be on the floor so that's another reason. I don't want her to be high as a kite and fall out of bed and hurt herself. She had 9 extra teeth extracted. There wasn't too much else to say except our baby is back home and she's fine but really out of it.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

way to go lucy! i'm sure you will feel better soon and get lots of soft treats.

The JR said...

Wow 9 extra sounds like a lot. Poor sweet girl.

anne marie in philly said...

egad! hope lucy rests comfortably tonight and will return to her old self in the morning.

Bohemian said...

Awwww... glad it went well for Lucy and I had to smile because she looks so High in that pix!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nine extra teeth! Holy moly! Glad she's home safe and sound with you again.

yellowdoggranny said...

will give the goddess something shiny for Lucy..bless her heart..

pam nash said...

Poor baby - nine teeth. Well I hope she is up and around again, laying on the floor throwing tantrums about her dinner choice!

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