Halloween Countdown

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Monday, July 20, 2020

This and That

Sorry, I'm posting late today but David and I were busy spraying in outside and under the house. We do this once a year and that's it. We have noticed a few scorpions in the laundry room and started moving stuff and spraying. Found three there and then one in the room where we have the exorcise equipment. Lucy was outside most of the morning since we did this before the sun came up over the trees before it got anywhere near hot. Then we turned on the A/C to clear out odors and dry the spray. So everything is cool now. 
Yesterday I fertilized and put down new mulch on the lemon trees that are in big ass pots on the patio in the courtyard. I also had David bring the potted Japanese Hydrangea from the front porch. It was getting burned quite bad from the morning sun. Our front door faces east. Anywho the poor little thing has been through so much that it's a miracle that it is still alive at all. So I threw some fertilizer into the soil and watered it and put it where it would get some sun but not enough to kill it.
Our weather is starting to turn. We haven't had any hot-hot sunny days since last week Thursday. It seems to have gone up north. The Texas coast should be getting some sprinkles this week. Well, that's what the weather guys say but they have been wrong before. It's overcast right now. That's a good thing. It will be in the 90's again today because of the clouds.
Lucy has taken on the persona of a sixteen-year-old girl. That's most of the time. Then she suddenly morphs into a nasty sometimes sulky three-year-old child. She loves her "ice cream" that I make her. It's just basically plain yogurt with mashed fruit like strawberries, watermelon or blueberries in it. I tried making peanut butter but she's not into that. But she does like the fruit. then I pop it into the freezer. I usually make three or four small one and a half cup servings each time I make it. It's healthy for her and I can use it as leverage too. If she acts like a pouty child because she refuses to eat her dinner then I'll say no ice cream and she lays on the kitchen floor like a kid would do if they were having a temper tantrum. After a while, she will see she's not going to win this game and she will eat. She has a finicky appetite. So now I have the leverage to get her to eat. 
Last week I found this video on The young lady is Sarah Cooper. She's a comedian and a blast. She does a funny lip-sync and gestures as she imitates trump from some of his idiotic speech episodes. She's really good. Enjoy and y'all have a safe and magical day.


The JR said...

Lucy is just trying to tell you she's not hungry for doggie food. She's hungry for ice cream.

Scorpions. Crap. I'm glad we don't have those.

anne marie in philly said...

ew, scorpions!

we have the heat now; it hit 100F yesterday and it's gonna do the same today. the heat sux.

ellen abbott said...

it's horrid out there and it's even overcast. I got out there for about 30 or 40 minutes pulling some dead stuff off a section of a different fence and was sweating buckets. came inside and still sweat for about another 15 minutes. I wish we would get some rain.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i make the w's ice cream cups too. i mix carrot or pumpkin baby food with yogurt snd they love them. winnie hates peanut butter too! and, oh yes, we have that freaking hot weather.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've never seen a scorpion and I hope I never will.

Ol'Buzzard said...

That lip sink is great; But scorpions? Damn, and I complain about black flies, midges, mosquitoes and noseeums.
the Ol'Buzzard

River said...

I wish the treat bribe would work for cats.
Loved the video clip.

yellowdoggranny said...


pam nash said...

Well, at least you can bribe Lucy with dessert. That never seemed to work with my youngest human child (long years ago). And, it doesn't seem to work with the Demon Duo. Summer here. Some rain yay but lots of hot and humidity and (oh joy, now) mosquitoes! I applaud you getting out and fertilizing. I hate to even walk outside!

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